Snowking`S Winter Festival

 ¿Qué ver en Snowking`s winter festival, Yellowknife?

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The Snowking's Winter Festival takes place annually in Yellowknife, Canada. The festival features a massive ice castle that is constructed by hand using ice blocks from the nearby Great Slave Lake. In addition to the ice castle, the festival includes live music performances, art exhibits, and food vendors. The festival is typically held in March and admission prices vary depending on the day of the week and the time of day. For more information, including hours of operation and ticket prices, visit the festival's official website if available.

Yellowknife is also home to a variety of outdoor activities and attractions. Visitors can take a guided tour of the Northern Lights, go ice fishing, or explore the nearby wilderness areas. The city also has several museums and art galleries, including the Prince of Wales Northern Heritage Centre and the Yellowknife Gallery of Art. For more information on nearby attractions and their hours of operation, check with the Yellowknife tourism bureau or visit their website.

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